
Pronunciations for The Gem of Tagath

Pronunciations for The Gem of Tagath

If you've been reading The Gem of Tagath and have run into some strange and unusual names or terms that you're not sure how to pronounce, I've got you covered. I'll be creating pronunciation guides for each of my books and stories that should help you with any words...

Mapping Teshovar

Mapping Teshovar

The epic fantasy series I'm launching this summer is set in the world of Teshovar. Over the coming weeks and months, I'll be sharing more insight and info about Teshovar and the people, places, and things that inhabit it. To kick things off, it only seemed natural to...

The Gem of Tagath

The Gem of Tagath

Welcome to my new website! Later this summer, the first novel in my epic fantasy Teshovar series will be releasing. Leading up to its publication, I've written an exclusive novella set just a few months prior to the events of that novel, and I'm giving it away for...