The Software I Use to Write My Books

The Software I Use to Write My Books

I get asked a lot of questions, both about my own books and about the writing process itself, and I’m going to start answering some of the most frequent questions in these blog posts. A very common question is “What tools do you use for writing?”...
Book 2 Outline Sneak Peek

Book 2 Outline Sneak Peek

It’s been a busy and productive week in the world of Teshovar. Many of you probably know that I am big on outlining, and I go through multiple detailed outline drafts before I even begin writing a book’s actual first draft. I’ve been working on the...
The Future of Teshovar

The Future of Teshovar

Most of the memorable fantasy novels I’ve read have been installments in series. Releasing sequels, trilogies, and bigger sagas is a common thing in this genre. There are a lot of reasons why fantasy works so well in that framework, and my own Teshovar story...
Planning Teshovar Book 2

Planning Teshovar Book 2

I have continued making progress on Teshovar Book 2 this week and have finished the initial breakdown of the story and its characters. With so many moving pieces, these books have a lot to keep track of. As such, I’ve used spreadsheets to do the initial layouts...
How I Name Characters

How I Name Characters

I’m nearing the end of the pre-writing character development phase for Teshovar Book 2 and expect to be well into structural work by the start of next week. I do work on my writing every day, whether that takes the form of planning, outlining, drafting, or...